Help for health anxiety Rickmansworth Thrive Programme Clinic. Welcoming enquiries from Chorleywood, Harrow, Harefield, Chesham, Amersham and Hemel.


Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood
Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood
Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood
Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood




Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood


Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood
Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood


Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood

Testimonialse from ex-emetophobes (fear of sick)

Genuine testimonials from past clients

If you have emetophobia, or know someone who does, you will understand how debilitating and distressing it can be. Most of my clients had tried other therapies prior to coming to see me (CBT, counselling, etc) that provided them with little or no relief from their fear of being sick. I do appreciate how hard is it to truly believe that there is a treatment out there that will effectively cure your phobia which is why this page is so important: other people have overcome emetophobia, and so can you.

Below are a few genuine testimonials from ex-emetophobes describing their experience of the Thrive Programme. I hope that this that will give you confidence that you can overcome this phobia too.

All testimonials have all been reproduced with client's kind permission. Some names have been changed to preserve anonymity.


Emetophobia cured after 25 years
I am much calmer about everything. I don't get panic attacks anymore for everyday stuff like shopping, talking to people, eating with others, traveling with others or going out to meet friends. During traveling sometimes im feeling sick but i don't panic about it and i don't take medication, I just know it is like this and I can handle it. I don't need  anti anxiety pills any more at all. I was flying twice this summer and once I was absolutely by myself without any family members and I didn't even feel stressed before the flight. 
This summer I also was being sick for the first time in 5 years. And I was totaly fine with it. They even needed to put me on infusion because I couldn't stope vomiting, I was handling it so fine and normal. 
I have had many kind of examinations in the last months (like ultrasound, MRI, core needle biopsy, blood test...) and i was not anxious about them, I just did what i had to.


JESS, 30

Help for emetophobia

I never expected the thrive programme to have transformed my life in as many ways as it has. It isn't even just about the phobias (what phobias?) anymore.  It's about my whole attitude to life that is truly setting me up for a better life than I ever imagined I'd make for myself.  Your time spent teaching to Thrive is the greatest gift I've ever had.




Mother of Phoebe, a 17 year old emetophobe

I just wanted to say a big thank you from Phoebe and me. I’ve not seen her so positive and confident in a long time. You’ve really helped her see things in a different way. We both now see things very differently. She knows that she can totally get over this past and move on.

She’s definitely moving in the right direction and I’m feeling the most confident I think I’ve ever felt in my life. And I’m sure that I can be the right kind of support for her. I think Thrive is the best thing ever. I wish I’d known this years ago


MARK, 14

Help for emetophobia

The Thrive Programme has helped me so much throughout these last few months since finishing the sessions. Whenever i feel anxious or worried i will use the techniques you have given me. I have been in a few situations but i didn't panic, I carried on with whatever i was doing and soon forgot about it. Also last year i felt anxious about being in an exam, if i was sick whilst doing the exam i couldn't sleep or eat much. But this year, i felt absolutely fine doing my exams. I completely forgot about it!

For once in my life i feel free. I can do whatever i want to do. I can eat anything without hesitating. For 5 years i had been living with emetophobia. Now after doing the thrive programme i no longer have this phobia. Thank you so much Cara! 🙂



treating children emetophobia


treated for emetophobia (fear of being sick)

I started working through the Thrive programme with Cara as I hoped it would help me. At the time I considered myself to be a reasonably content person, with a drinking issue. It completely changed the way I now think about things, including realising that I don’t actually have a drink problem! I now feel as though I have a weight lifted off my shoulders, the Thrive Programme taught me just how many unhelpful and limiting thoughts I was carrying around in my head!

The best thing is that it is so easy to read, uncomplicated and accessible. The quizzes helped me understand so much about my thinking, and the actions (exercises) built up my confidence and gave me a real understanding of how to gain perspective, something I had lost! My heartfelt thanks to Cara for her warmth and her thoughtful challenges, she enabled me to ‘get it’ really quickly!



LISA, 30

Help for fear of being sick

Cara has skillfully taught me how to make remarkable changes to my life and I feel like a different person as a result. As my Thrive sessions progressed, I felt more capable, confident and relaxed about a vast array of situations which I would previously have responded to with feelings of anxiety and dread. I love Cara’s no-nonsense style of commuication and found sessions very empowering as well as enjoyable. The impact on my self-esteem and the way I now manage my thinking has truly changed my life. Thank you Cara.


Help for fear of being sick

Dearest Cara, I really don't know how to say thank you enough, you have changed my life completely! I know what you would say, and that is that it was me that did that! Yes you are right, but without your kindness, complete understanding and amazing knowledge of what you do, i could never have come so far! I came to you for my emetophobia, due to a recommendation from a friend of a friend, and the fact that you had treated a lot of emetophobes!


I have to say i was very sceptical to start, as everywhere i looked on the subject said there was no cure, i now know that is rubbish and believe i am cured!!!  Not only did you help with that,but also with my low self-esteem and social anxiety, of which i didn't realise were so bad, or how long they have been with me. I really wish i could have met you sooner, so i wouldn't have missed out so much in life. But i can tell you what,there is no stopping me now. I know now that the only person in life holding me back is me! But not anymore. I know there will be challenges in life , but you have taught me the tools to deal with these and those tools and beliefs shall stay with me forever.


My relationship with my children is now amazing, due to me being less stressed, less anxious and having so much more fun in life!! All my friends want to know what i am taking, as they have seen such a dramatic change in me, they certainly don't believe me when i say its just me enjoying life!! I came to you a total wreck, ready to leave my kids because i couldn't cope with the constant obsessing about sick, thinking about it 100 or more times a day, now i probably only think about 1 or 2 times a day, and cant get enough of my children and enriching their life with all those things that kids should be doing, which i stopped due to my phobia.


I cant recommend you enough to people, i think Cara Ostryn should be  on the national health and it be available to everyone!!!! This whole process has made me think about my future ... but now i have been through ' changing limiting beliefs' and totally believe in this, i would like to do the same, i want to be able to help people in the same way i have. If i could help just one person in the same way it would be worth while! I would just like to say again THANK YOU, you have changed my life!!! 

vomit phobia london


help for emetophobia

From as young as 8 years old I developed an ever growing fear of sickness, although I'm not sure what it was that started it. Since then my emetophobia had developed a growing debilitating presence in my everyday life. I developed obsessive cleaning and sanitation habits as I was terrified of getting anything like Norovirus. Through recognizing my career aspirations and ambitions, some significant life changing events (Divorce), battling with Depression in my early 20's for 18 months and now being a proud mum to my seven year old son meant I couldn't go on anymore with this phobia it was really ruining my life.

It was only after I researched "fear of sickness" online that I realised firstly it had a name "emetophobia" and secondly that I wasn't alone and thirdly there was a programme called "THRIVE" that could cure me! WOW! So I found my amazing Thrive consultant, Cara.  Cara worked patiently and encouragingly with me through the programme and was my absolute rock and anchor to help me understand my inner workings and my belief systems which helped me find that cure. The fantastic thing about Cara and the Thrive programme is that she made me understand that it was ME that would find the cure! The Thrive book was my training course and Cara supported every step along the way but it was down to me to put the effort in and work through the exercises and process process process my mind to make this change.

Cara helped me learn so much about myself, people have seen such a significant change in me. As well as Cara helping me cure my phobia, she has given me confidence. I have a renewed gravitas in my personal and professional life. It's a whole new me, and I can't actually believe a book has done this for me. It has changed my life, it was worth every penny. I’m sure like any emetephobe that this review reaches out to, you only need to take 6 weeks of your life after suffering years of misery to cure this debilitating and secret Phobia. Thrive really is a cure. Thank you Cara so much, I hope that many more emetephobes come to you for this cure.



DEMI, 12

Help for child emetophobia

Thank-you so much for all your hard work with me these past couple of months. I have definitely gained more confidence and I know I can beat my emetophobia. I recognise when I need to change my thinking and I am really beginning to Thrive!

LISA, 30

Help for vomit phobia

Cara has skillfully taught me how to make remarkable changes to my life and I feel like a different person as a result. As my Thrive sessions progressed, I felt more capable, confident and relaxed about a vast array of situations which I would previously have responded to with feelings of anxiety and dread. I love Cara's no-nonsense style of commuication and found sessions very empowering as well as enjoyable. The impact on my self-esteem and the way I now manage my thinking has truly changed my life. Thank you Cara.


Help for vomit phobia

THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. My words are inadequate in expressing how grateful I am that Rob wrote the Thrive book for emetophobes. It is life-changing in the purest sense of the word. I must write to him and thank him. I went for my first meal out in 9-10 years on Tuesday this week! I was a little nervous beforehand, but I was fine once the food arrived and it turned out to be a very enjoyable experience!  I feel very grateful to you, Rob and Thrive for getting me to this point and proud of myself for overcoming what's been such a huge hurdle. I feel so much more confident in eating out now. It feels quite remarkable really!


My social anxiety has reduced massively, so I'm now networking, making friends, spending time with people more and today I have a business meeting to discuss paid creative work! I've been collaborating with other creatives and this has really boosted my confidence, helped me make connections and is opening up more opportunities. So all in all, I'm very happy and feel our sessions are a huge part of that. I mention how brilliant Thrive has been to me whenever I meet someone who I think may find it useful. I mention what a fantastic support and help you are too



Help for phobia of sick

Hi Cara!!! I'm sorry I didn't get in touch sooner. I was just worried to say I was 99% better without actually experiencing a vomit situation!!! today my darling daughter vomited on me in my mums car (she has tonsillitis) and I coped!!!! I dealt with it and felt panic for approx 1min!!!! U have changed my life!!! Thank u !!


Help for phobia of sick

I just want to say a massive thank you. I am feeling so much better, not just about sick but life in general just feels easier. I never thought I could feel like this again. I am eternally grateful, thank you again x 



Help for emetophobia

Dearest Cara, What can I say, I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly feel like today is a fresh slate and a new start to my life! I left your room feeling invincible, I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to.  I know it sounds very bizzare but I felt like I wanted to come home and try and make myself sick to prove to myself that it wasn't all that bad and so what... its only sick! I don't feel scared!  I'm on such a high its hard to put into words how I feel.  I have so much positivity in the fact that I will do everything that scares me, I can't wait to get in a lift, take a trip on the train, go flying, it doesn't matter what it is, I just want to do it. I would never have even thought about doing these things until I met you.

I really did think that the way I was feeling before I met you was how life was mapped out for me and that I could just go about life avoiding all the things that scared me.  Until I realised that my phobia's were getting worse, to the point that I worried they would rub off onto my beautiful children.  I didn't want them to grow up wondering why mummy didn't do things that other mum's did! Meeting you was the turning point in my life.  You always had so much faith in me and didn't allow me to give up and I thank you for that. You are one in a million and I thank you for everything you have done for me! xxxx 



JESS, 30

Help for emetophobia

I never expected the thrive programme to have transformed my life in as many ways as it has. It isn't even just about the phobias (what phobias?) anymore.  It's about my whole attitude to life that is truly setting me up for a better life than I ever imagined I'd make for myself.  Your time spent teaching to Thrive is the greatest gift I've ever had.


MARK, 14

Help for emetophobia

The Thrive Programme has helped me so much throughout these last few months since finishing the sessions. Whenever i feel anxious or worried i will use the techniques you have given me. I have been in a few situations but i didn't panic, I carried on with whatever i was doing and soon forgot about it. Also last year i felt anxious about being in an exam, if i was sick whilst doing the exam i couldn't sleep or eat much. But this year, i felt absolutely fine doing my exams. I completely forgot about it!

For once in my life i feel free. I can do whatever i want to do. I can eat anything without hesitating. For 5 years i had been living with emetophobia. Now after doing the thrive programme i no longer have this phobia. Thank you so much Cara! 🙂


treating children emetophobia


treated for emetophobia (fear of being sick)

I started working through the Thrive programme with Cara as I hoped it would help me. At the time I considered myself to be a reasonably content person, with a drinking issue. It completely changed the way I now think about things, including realising that I don’t actually have a drink problem! I now feel as though I have a weight lifted off my shoulders, the Thrive Programme taught me just how many unhelpful and limiting thoughts I was carrying around in my head!

The best thing is that it is so easy to read, uncomplicated and accessible. The quizzes helped me understand so much about my thinking, and the actions (exercises) built up my confidence and gave me a real understanding of how to gain perspective, something I had lost! My heartfelt thanks to Cara for her warmth and her thoughtful challenges, she enabled me to ‘get it’ really quickly!


LISA, 30

Help for fear of being sick

Cara has skillfully taught me how to make remarkable changes to my life and I feel like a different person as a result. As my Thrive sessions progressed, I felt more capable, confident and relaxed about a vast array of situations which I would previously have responded to with feelings of anxiety and dread. I love Cara’s no-nonsense style of commuication and found sessions very empowering as well as enjoyable. The impact on my self-esteem and the way I now manage my thinking has truly changed my life. Thank you Cara.


Help for fear of being sick

Dearest Cara, I really don't know how to say thank you enough, you have changed my life completely! I know what you would say, and that is that it was me that did that! Yes you are right, but without your kindness, complete understanding and amazing knowledge of what you do, i could never have come so far! I came to you for my emetophobia, due to a recommendation from a friend of a friend, and the fact that you had treated a lot of emetophobes!

I have to say i was very sceptical to start, as everywhere i looked on the subject said there was no cure, i now know that is rubbish and believe i am cured!!!  Not only did you help with that,but also with my low self-esteem and social anxiety, of which i didn't realise were so bad, or how long they have been with me. I really wish i could have met you sooner, so i wouldn't have missed out so much in life. But i can tell you what,there is no stopping me now. I know now that the only person in life holding me back is me! But not anymore. I know there will be challenges in life , but you have taught me the tools to deal with these and those tools and beliefs shall stay with me forever.

My relationship with my children is now amazing, due to me being less stressed, less anxious and having so much more fun in life!! All my friends want to know what i am taking, as they have seen such a dramatic change in me, they certainly don't believe me when i say its just me enjoying life!! I came to you a total wreck, ready to leave my kids because i couldn't cope with the constant obsessing about sick, thinking about it 100 or more times a day, now i probably only think about 1 or 2 times a day, and cant get enough of my children and enriching their life with all those things that kids should be doing, which i stopped due to my phobia.

I cant recommend you enough to people, i think Cara Ostryn should be  on the national health and it be available to everyone!!!! This whole process has made me think about my future ... but now i have been through ' changing limiting beliefs' and totally believe in this, i would like to do the same, i want to be able to help people in the same way i have. If i could help just one person in the same way it would be worth while! I would just like to say again THANK YOU, you have changed my life!!! 

vomit phobia london


help for emetophobia

From as young as 8 years old I developed an ever growing fear of sickness, although I'm not sure what it was that started it. Since then my emetophobia had developed a growing debilitating presence in my everyday life. I developed obsessive cleaning and sanitation habits as I was terrified of getting anything like Norovirus. Through recognizing my career aspirations and ambitions, some significant life changing events (Divorce), battling with Depression in my early 20's for 18 months and now being a proud mum to my seven year old son meant I couldn't go on anymore with this phobia it was really ruining my life.

It was only after I researched "fear of sickness" online that I realised firstly it had a name "emetophobia" and secondly that I wasn't alone and thirdly there was a programme called "THRIVE" that could cure me! WOW! So I found my amazing Thrive consultant, Cara.  Cara worked patiently and encouragingly with me through the programme and was my absolute rock and anchor to help me understand my inner workings and my belief systems which helped me find that cure. The fantastic thing about Cara and the Thrive programme is that she made me understand that it was ME that would find the cure! The Thrive book was my training course and Cara supported every step along the way but it was down to me to put the effort in and work through the exercises and process process process my mind to make this change.

Cara helped me learn so much about myself, people have seen such a significant change in me. As well as Cara helping me cure my phobia, she has given me confidence. I have a renewed gravitas in my personal and professional life. It's a whole new me, and I can't actually believe a book has done this for me. It has changed my life, it was worth every penny. I’m sure like any emetephobe that this review reaches out to, you only need to take 6 weeks of your life after suffering years of misery to cure this debilitating and secret Phobia. Thrive really is a cure. Thank you Cara so much, I hope that many more emetephobes come to you for this cure.


DEMI, 12

Help for child emetophobia

Thank-you so much for all your hard work with me these past couple of months. I have definitely gained more confidence and I know I can beat my emetophobia. I recognise when I need to change my thinking and I am really beginning to Thrive!

LISA, 30

Help for vomit phobia

Cara has skillfully taught me how to make remarkable changes to my life and I feel like a different person as a result. As my Thrive sessions progressed, I felt more capable, confident and relaxed about a vast array of situations which I would previously have responded to with feelings of anxiety and dread. I love Cara's no-nonsense style of commuication and found sessions very empowering as well as enjoyable. The impact on my self-esteem and the way I now manage my thinking has truly changed my life. Thank you Cara.


Help for vomit phobia

THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. My words are inadequate in expressing how grateful I am that Rob wrote the Thrive book for emetophobes. It is life-changing in the purest sense of the word. I must write to him and thank him. I went for my first meal out in 9-10 years on Tuesday this week! I was a little nervous beforehand, but I was fine once the food arrived and it turned out to be a very enjoyable experience!  I feel very grateful to you, Rob and Thrive for getting me to this point and proud of myself for overcoming what's been such a huge hurdle. I feel so much more confident in eating out now. It feels quite remarkable really!

My social anxiety has reduced massively, so I'm now networking, making friends, spending time with people more and today I have a business meeting to discuss paid creative work! I've been collaborating with other creatives and this has really boosted my confidence, helped me make connections and is opening up more opportunities. So all in all, I'm very happy and feel our sessions are a huge part of that. I mention how brilliant Thrive has been to me whenever I meet someone who I think may find it useful. I mention what a fantastic support and help you are too


Help for phobia of sick

Hi Cara!!! I'm sorry I didn't get in touch sooner. I was just worried to say I was 99% better without actually experiencing a vomit situation!!! today my darling daughter vomited on me in my mums car (she has tonsillitis) and I coped!!!! I dealt with it and felt panic for approx 1min!!!! U have changed my life!!! Thank u !!


Help for phobia of sick

I just want to say a massive thank you. I am feeling so much better, not just about sick but life in general just feels easier. I never thought I could feel like this again. I am eternally grateful, thank you again x 



Help for emetophobia

Dearest Cara, What can I say, I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly feel like today is a fresh slate and a new start to my life! I left your room feeling invincible, I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to.  I know it sounds very bizzare but I felt like I wanted to come home and try and make myself sick to prove to myself that it wasn't all that bad and so what... its only sick! I don't feel scared!  I'm on such a high its hard to put into words how I feel.  I have so much positivity in the fact that I will do everything that scares me, I can't wait to get in a lift, take a trip on the train, go flying, it doesn't matter what it is, I just want to do it. I would never have even thought about doing these things until I met you.

I really did think that the way I was feeling before I met you was how life was mapped out for me and that I could just go about life avoiding all the things that scared me.  Until I realised that my phobia's were getting worse, to the point that I worried they would rub off onto my beautiful children.  I didn't want them to grow up wondering why mummy didn't do things that other mum's did! Meeting you was the turning point in my life.  You always had so much faith in me and didn't allow me to give up and I thank you for that. You are one in a million and I thank you for everything you have done for me! xxxx